This past Sunday Yosei's preschool held their annual arts and crafts show. An art show of the kids' arts and crafts, sounds pretty awesome right? Well turns out they also ask the parents (moms) to also submit one or more pieces for the show too D: In talking to the other moms I gathered that there are a lot of them that sew, knit, crochet. etc. Me, I can't do any of that. So even though I haven't done it in years I fell back on what I know drawing and painting.
My submissions to the show are as follows:
Acrylic of Yosei
Acrylic of Keia
Ink Celtic Knot Drawing
Wearable Childrens' Fairy Wings
Both the celtic knot work and the fairy wings were done some time ago. The paintings I did in the last couple weeks just for the show, my pirst paintings in 8 years-ish. Not my best work, but at least I haven't lost all that I've learned. Anyhow turns out all that worrying I did about what to enter turned out to be for nothing, it actually seems I may have overdone it :/ There were some cute homemade crafty things, soaps, thinsg made from leather craftings kits, some cute little aisian knotwork cell phone charms that several moms did at the preschool craft workshop the week before, etc. The principal even did some crocheting. But it was apparent that quite a few of the moms didn't bother to enter anything at all :/
The kids' work, on the other hand, was really fun to look at. the following is what Yosei did:
Bento - sandwiches, tamago-yaki, cherry tomatoes, pasta, broccoli, and mini hotdog cut to resemble and octopus. (Down at the bottom there he traced his own name too)
Family portrait - Yosei in the far left corner, a big bald Keia, a little mama (complete with pink hair) and an even littler papa. Judging from the scale of the drawing I guess its pretty clear the kids run this family.
Memories of the Sweet Potato Party
Self portrait - head and body shape obviously drawn by his teacher :P
The theme of their big are display this year was Sanrio. Yosei and his friends made Shinkansen. (All the flowers, tracks, and other cool background stuff was done by us moms.)
Despite feeling like a total showoff it was pretty fun to see what all the kids did. My favorite was Yosei's family portrait, I can't get over how awesome my pink hair is :)